The Eroticist (1972)
A great idea!
1 August 2006
The Eroticist

After reading the two line summary that describes this movie, I knew I HAD to see it.

What I got was a few genuine chuckles, some great female nudity and some pretty funny acting.

The movie is about a senator named Puppsi, pronounced Poop-C. Who succumbs to a "disease" where he can not control his sexual appetite. He's held off so long that he is actually grabbing bum bums and not even knowing it. The actor who plays Puppsi does a good job with the facial expressions and delivery. Great job casting this movie.

Obviously the movie is about him dealing with this "problem." There's a subplot involving the church and blackmailing that I really didn't care much for. You might, I didn't. The scenes weren't very funny and I found myself to be a little bored by them. But when Puppsi is on screen, it's pretty much always fun. Either by laughs or by some good nudity. By the way, the lead woman in this movie is gorgeous with a capital G.

The movie is pretty funny...if you enjoy sex comedies like Flesh Gordon 1 or 2, movies of that nature you'll most likely have a fun time with this.

Bringing this idea into film was awesome. I cant count how many times that I've wanted to squeeze a bum. Good comedic stuff from a legendary horror director.
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