Doctor Doctor (1989–1991)
Doctor Doctor on DVD?
1 August 2006
Currently, I am a film school graduate who works as a courier in between film jobs. Not long ago, I made a delivery to one of the execs at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment who had a bunch of TV series DVD's on his desk and mentioned that I'd really like to see "Doctor Doctor" on DVD. I mentioned the rabid fan base of the show, and how they tried to cancel it three times in three seasons, yet the show went on. He wasn't sure if it was one of their properties. That night, I did some net research, and found that yes, they do own it! I called that exec the next day and told him about it, and he said he would pass the info on to the right people to pursue it. So voilà everyone, Doctor Doctor Season One may yet be forthcoming on DVD! The long wait may be over soon!
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