Dirty Jobs (2005– )
one of my favorite documentary TV series
31 July 2006
This is a very entertaining documentary series i have been watching since it first started, love all the episodes, very funny show as well The host is a very interesting guy, adds a lot of fun to the experience of watching the show, watching him work at a dirty job (pig farm, solid waste treatment plant, etc) and its really amazing how dirty some jobs are, really makes u appreciate the job u got, because your thankful your job ain't as nasty as some of these jobs :) Dirty Jobs teaches a lot as well, very educational, seeing all the dirty parts of society that are necessary for our comfortable existence definitely a good show to watch for all u docu fans though, lets hope it stays on the air for a long while, because TV networks have a habit of canceling good shows before their time, and these people that work these dirty jobs deserve recognition for the jobs they do
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