Reeker (2005)
REEKER is now officially retitled STINKER
28 July 2006
Let me start off by saying I LOVE MOVIES, especially HORROR MOVIES. If a horror movie is done well it can be some of the best cinematic entertainment ever, but if it's not done well then it can be the most painful cinematic experience like REEKER. I tried, I really did try to like this movie. Three quarters of the way through I was still giving REEKER the benefit of the doubt because of some of the fine reviews it received. So now after finally being finished with this stupid grade D movie I can't understand how on earth it got okay reviews. Sure, a few moments are kind of funny in a slapstick, NAKED GUN sort of way but for the most part REEKER just builds and builds up to nothingness. It's clear that the filmmakers tried a last ditch effort to cover up their poor makeup effects with even worse computer effects. And the end does attempt to surprise us like THE SIXTH SENSE, but this is lame, lame stuff. The acting for the most part is pretty bad, as is the pacing, the story, and let me just say again the F/X are terrible. I give this film three stars for trying...something, but don't let those three stars lead you into seeing this pointless poo-poo. EMPIRE MAGAZINE should never be purchased again by anyone based on their review for this film....I rest my case. To sum it up in one word REEKER is DISAPPOINTING. I can't believe I dragged my wife through this film....she'll never trust my judgment again, which means I'll have to sit through another viewing of SLIDING DOORS or FORCES OF NATURE again and again.
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