Weak movie, ---weaker motive
26 July 2006
John Goodman played a good mean guy, but Huey wasn't a mean guy.

In this movie the main character claims to be Huey, displaying a bad temper and hitting people, hardly an accurate portrayal of the real "Kingfish." Everyone loved Huey, except for a few greedy elitists. Huey opposed the unjust status que, where 85% of the wealth was owned by 5% of the population. They owned the Papers, oil wells and plantations. He was a valiant public servant working hard for the; oppressed, uneducated and poor of Louisiana. These people loved Huey. Consequently, he won the governorship with over 93% of the popular vote. He gave them reason to believe in good government.

Paul Monash wrote an interesting book but not an accurate book. Taking historical liberties to sell a movie, is wrong. But, to taint a fallen hero's character, while doing it is an insult.
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