John and Mary (1969)
A casual romance so noncommittal it's practically non-existent...
26 July 2006
A single man and woman (Dustin Hoffman as John, Mia Farrow as Mary), having met in a bar the night before, wake up in bed "the morning after"; they go back and forth on where they should take their 'relationship'. The two charismatic leads try to enlighten a curiously flat screenplay from John Mortimer, adapting the novel by Mervyn Jones, and an uncharacteristically low-keyed direction from Peter Yates. It isn't easy: the sluggish narrative (often flashing back in time) and sterile atmosphere make it practically impossible. Still, Yates' work is fluid, with flights-of-fancy to help fill in the gaps, and the stars look just beautiful in their prime. Farrow's Mary is all over the place: guarded and vague (and a little rude), she then turns sheepish and huggable; Hoffman's John is suspicious and cynical, but yielding. Some of their thoughts and emotions ring true--and if finale is pure fantasy, at least it is well done and satisfying, breaking us out of the rut of fashionable cynicism that most of "John and Mary" occupies. **1/2 from ****
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