Another Retro Toon Great!
23 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie. Well I've always loved robot & androids like Transformers, Datal, Lore, Go Bots, so of course I did! And transforming rocks ... Now there's something you don't see every day! I must see it again, it's probably available on DVD nowadays.

I adored the Rock Lord character Solitaire the most. She was kind, wise and caring. She looked lovely and her voice was done really well. Kudos to Margot Kidder! *Memo to me, must search Ebay for Solitaire toy ... * Nuggit was cute also, reminded me of the Transformer Bumblebee! I also like the Go Bot Characters, Leader 1, Sparky, Small Foot, Pathfinder, Scooter, Fitor and Cop-Tur, though it's been a while since I saw the movie and I can't remember if some of those characters were in it, alas.

It was a good movie, clearly showing how good can overcome evil, as it should. Sends a positive message to the world.

I wish the movie was longer though, with more Go Bot and Rock Lord characters, particularly the more obscure ones, like Steamer.

I also wanted to know more about Solitaire, the Jewel Lord Diamond Queen!
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