Worth to See this Each Dawn ****
19 July 2006
That magical year of 1939 produced still another excellent film-"Each Dawn I Die"

James Cagney plays a newspaper reporter who only wants to do good. When he uncovers corruption of a candidate for governor, he is framed for drunk driving which lead to the death of 3 innocent young people and is imprisoned. Naturally, the corrupt politician is elected and puts Victor Jory on the parole board.

While in jail, Cagney encounters George Raft and the two become quick pals. When Raft escapes, he looks for proof that shall vindicate Cagney. He succeeds and comes back to jail to spill the beans.

There is excellent acting all around but a sterling cast.

Cagney conveys a different type of toughness. That of a person who can withstand the horrors behind bars. The film vividly shows the heavy handed way of some of the guards. In one scene, Cagney acts like a toughened person made criminal-like by what he has to endure. We would see that years later in an Oscar nominated performance by Eleanor Parker in 1950's "Caged."
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