Review of Top Buzzer

Top Buzzer (2004– )
Absolutely brilliant
19 July 2006
This show is probably the most realistic and funny of all the current crop of cannabis entertainment shows currently doing the rounds.(Weeds and Ideal being the others).It is well written, well acted and the actors that were chosen were perfect for the roles they played. I know people exactly like these in real life!! It is also educational as it shows in detail what the plus and negatives sides are of cannabis use. Thankfully, they are more positive than negative, and it is alcohol which is shown as the real demon here which is true in life. The only bad thing about this show was the marketing which was crap, as hardly anybody heard about this fab show while it was on TV. Waste no time therefore and go and buy the 1st series DVD, and I really do hope, and so do my mates, that they will all get together again and make a new series. After all, isn't that why there is a mysterious postcard inside the DVD, which has nothing to do with the first series.......
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