Excellent TV horror series
18 July 2006
When I first heard the name of this series back in 1987 I refused to see it. I assumed it was just about Jason killing different people every week--but with no gore (since this WAS TV). What was the point? But I tuned in one night out of curiosity and was surprised how different it was from the movies--and how much I liked it! It was about some antique owners who have to track down antiques each week that had been sold from their store. It seems their uncle (the previous owner) had made a pact with the Devil and the antiques were cursed. Sounds silly but it really worked. There were some doses of pretty funny humor but this show concentrated on the horror. Also it was pretty gory for a TV show at that time--my station didn't show it till 11:30 at night! The acting was good...but it all started to fall apart after season 2. The main actor left and was replaced by someone who just wasn't as good--the third season was a major disappointment. I think that's what killed the show. Still it was a fun, sometimes scary and a little gory TV show. Recommended.
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