Review of Blessed

Blessed (2004)
Rosemary's Baby for the 21st Century (only nowhere near as good).
17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When Samantha Howard (played by gorgeous Heather Graham) and her husband Craig decide that the time is right to start a family, they find that becoming pregnant isn't as easy as they had at first hoped.

Now personally, if I was having trouble getting Ms. Graham up the duff, I'd persevere and keep trying the way nature intended (two or three times a day should suffice, more if she was to wear roller boots and hot-pants); but rather than submit himself to the chore of regularly bunking up with his hot wife, Craig agrees to take her to a remote fertility clinic in the country where she can receive IVF treatment. Unfortunately, the owner of the facility is a devil worshipper who is trying to clone Lucifer, using Heather's eggs, her husbands sperm, and a drop or two of blood from Satan himself.

Despite solid performances from a more than capable cast (Graham, Purefoy, Stella Stevens, David Hemmings and Andy Serkis), this tepid little occult thriller flounders due to a lack of chills and a 'seen-it-all-before' storyline (Rosemary's Baby did it all much better). The film ambles along quite nicely until Serkis's nutty priest appears after which it rapidly goes downhill. And the film's ending is quite ridiculous.

Whilst not exactly boring, 'Blessed' really needed a creepy atmosphere and a few good scares in order to succeed, but unfortunately Simon Fellows's sedate direction provided neither, leaving me impressed only by Heather Graham and her very realistic prosthetic belly.
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