Review of Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo (2003)
what am i missing?
13 July 2006
OK, i might be a bit of a film cynic, but that's because the overwhelming majority of wide release films are really bad. finding nemo is a perfect example of a terrible film, that for some reason everyone loves. what's wrong with me? OK, i'll give it the nice bright colours and beautiful, smooth animations, but what else is there? "memorable characters," "humour?" certainly not! i have the distinct feeling that dreamworks puts subliminal messages into their films to make people like them, because its the only explanation! all my friends, cynics, hippies, metal heads, nerds - they all loved it! WHY? when i ask them, they'll say, "oh it was funny...", or "it was colourful..." are they playing games with me? Please, some one explain how this film is good? It's 2 hours long, for a cartoon, 2 hours is far too long. It has the lamest, schmultziest story and character development. all the "crazy" characters are really simple stereotypes that have been done to death a million times before. Hey, i don't mind if your kid liked it, my question is to the parents who claim, fun for kids AND adults. I don't understand. the same thing happened with toy story and shrek. Where were these so called, "adult" jokes? why does everyone insist that dreamworks is so great? Argh! someone help me. or at least someone admit they also hated this film to save me from thinking i'm a lunatic. although, i do have an unhealthy fascination for the moon.
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