Review of Sky Hook

Sky Hook (2000)
NATO bombs
9 July 2006
I'd just like to clarify something about the "Nebeska udica.". The war in question is not the Croatian or Bosnian war, but the Kosovo war of 1999 (March 24 - June 10) in which Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinski affair decided to bomb Serbian cities by means of NATO troops. While the apocalyptic situation in Serbia that is shown here is but the continuation of a 10 year long Balkan catastrophe, the bombing attacks in this movie are those of NATO. For the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) it was the first time it had dropped bombs on somebody since World War II. It was also the first NATO attack on a sovereign country. And also the first American intervention that came about because of a presidential blow-job.

As far as the cinematic experience is concerned, the movie is a bit melodramatic, and the acting only so-so.
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