Yo ho ho and a two and a half hour plus running time
7 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Cap'n Jack Sparrow returns to walk around drunkenly and make the requisite one liners, along with almost everyone from the first POTC (even the midget!). What you end up with is a pretty good swashbuckler that runs a little too long.

I just saw the midnight show and I have to say that it was pretty good. Not as good as the first but still enjoyable. But then again, I went into the first POTC thinking I was about to see a crap-filled diaper of a movie and came out pleasantly surprised.

I absolutely loved Davy Jones in this. To think that they achieved his look without any makeup is mind boggling. CGI effects are getting frighteningly photorealistic and Davy Jones character is unbelievably well done.

The movie is funny and the story, while a tad complicated, is not too hard to follow. There are a lot of different characters in this, both good and bad and it will be interesting to see how their story lines will be resolved. I loved the constant references to the first and I suggest watching the first before watching this, just to be completely refreshed. The special effects are well realized and the scenes with the Kraken are pretty wild. The movie has a ton of action with one really cool three way swordfight on a rolling wheel.

Depp is pretty funny but his character seems to have lost a little bit of the charm he had in the first POTC. He's still the main thing to see in this show but this time around, I sincerely doubt he'll be getting another Oscar nomination for Cap'n Jack. Keira Knightley is gorgeous as always and Orlando Bloom does what is required of him. Other standouts include Naomie Harris as Tia Dalma and the crew of the Flying Dutchman who are just outright nasty. There's an awesome cameo at the end of the film that I won't spoil but the audience cheered when they showed up.

I'd have to say that this movie was pretty good but nothing to write home to Mom about. It was a little underwhelming, even for such a massive production. I think the length is the one thing about this movie that kind of hurts it. There was a lot of stuff at the beginning that felt needless and maybe could have been trimmed. I do want to see the third installment and Dead Man's Chest does have that Empire Strikes Back cliffhanger thing going for it, so I guess it did something right. The bit after the credits was really funny also.

Johnny Depp fans should be satisfied, at least.

RATING: ***1/2 out of *****.
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