Review of Sliver

Sliver (1993)
A sexy thriller in more ways the one
7 July 2006
Out of 1993 comes "Sliver" the sexy top-notch thriller that is very well done, but slightly misses the mark towards the end. Sharon Stone's character Carly Norris is a respected book editor with pretty much no social life, until she moves to a new apartment building called Sliver Heights, where she meets William Baldwin's character Zeke Hawkins and the two form a very passionate relationship. Of course being a thriller, something isn't quite right, and so Carly searches to find out what is going on.

Stone and Baldwin are both excellent in their leading roles. She's attractive, he's handsome and both are charismatic. There's some steamy scenes between the two of them, Stone's character is one that you can really care for. The supporting characters in "Sliver" actually do what supporting characters are supposed to - support. Tom Berenger's character the dodgy Jack Lansford is the "is he or isn't he" red-hearing, and is played well. Polly Walker plays the vampy Vid Warren, Carly's apartment neighbor, and is a good parallel to the reserved Carly. Colleen Camp is Judy Marks, Carly's incorrigible assistant and she is terrific. Finally, CCH Pounder plays the detective, Lt. Victoria Hendrix, though she is rather under-used here, this not being one of her best performances, probably because of the fact that she is under-used.

"Sliver" provokes some interesting topics of conversation for your next cocktail party, namely the notions of privacy and what would you do if you had the power to watch almost whoever you wanted, as Baldwin's character did. With the increasing notion of "Big Brother is watching you" in today's society, "Sliver" seems even more relevant to our lives. "Sliver" is presented in a glossy manner with a cool soundtrack and is relatively fast-paced. However, while the ending is effective, more could have been done to raise the notions of privacy that I previously talked about. Other than that, "Sliver" is a very sexy thriller.
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