Eight Below (2006)
Eight boxes of Kleenex
5 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Eight Below was the in-flight movie on my way to Aruba. I don't know about you but starting off a week long vacation on a beautiful, sunny island by sobbing myself into near hysterics is not the way I like to begin any vacation. You may think I'm exaggerating in regards to the movie or that I'm a bit of a sap but personally, I could care less. This film traumatized me for a good day and a half and all I could think about afterward was the movie and all the things that made me enjoy it so. This is one of those films that will destroy most kids who see it and will linger in their memories as the one film that left them huddled in a corner with wide eyes. It's not as sadistic as say, "The Velveteen Rabbit", "Bambi" or "Watership Down" but it comes close.

This movie is basically the "Munich" of animals in peril movies.

(In all honesty, I just wrote that last bit because it made me laugh but believe me, it's not too far off the mark as Munich traumatized me as well...)

I'm not sure exactly why but I was near tears throughout the entire goddamn movie, even at the beginning when the dogs were just being introduced. I absolutely love dogs and if you like them in any way, shape or form, you're going to love these little guys. Anytime they were on screen, I could feel the dam behind my eyes bulging a little bit, especially after they were left to fend for themselves. By the end of the film, I was sobbing into my hands. I don't feel too bad admitting it because the couple next to me were both crying as well.

I was actually very surprised by Paul Walker, who I have bashed pretty regularly since I first saw him in The Fast and the Furious. I think he has made up for his past sins with this film. He was a very likable and believable lead as Jerry, the owner and friend of the dogs who he was forced to leave behind.

Going back to the dogs, whoever trained these guys in real life is damn talented. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a better performance by animals in any other movie, and the things the dogs do in terms of expression and the fact that they carry the movie with no other humans around is impressive. The movie really grabs you because of them and even when they're not on screen, you can literally feel them. I'd be kidding you if I told you that all the dogs survive. When one goes, that's when you'll be reaching for the tissues or the t-shirt of the person next to you.

That's not to say that the film itself is perfect. It feels sort of formulaic in that Disney movie kind of way. I wasn't crazy about some of the plot setups in the film which felt kind of contrived and there just to satiate the kiddies. Some of the acting was a little weak and Jason Biggs character was almost intolerable as the comic relief. Anymore complaints about the film would just be an excuse to nitpick, though as the good far outweighs the bad.

After watching the film, I had some time to think about it and I think I realized what it was that touched me so deeply. See, the movie is a tribute to these animals and recognizes the loyalty and spirit that they possess. I've always felt that dogs were better than us in that way and this film was made by people who see this as well and appreciate the fact. Underneath the kid-friendly surface is a very touching and moving story about this very thing.

So, yeah I cried like a baby. Make fun of me if you want but I'm not ashamed to admit it. Chances are, you will too. Strongly recommended.

RATING: **** out of *****.

NOTE: Just some things I have to mention:

  • There's one scare in this movie and it's a big one. Sensitive kiddies might get seriously freaked out by it.

  • Also, if you can't handle the sight or even the thought of a dog in trouble, you may want to seriously consider whether you want to watch this film or not. It's rough viewing and I'm really serious about it.

  • This movie was inspired by true events, and by a Japanese film called "Nankyoku Monogatari" (Antartica), which I hear is even better but not currently available on DVD.
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