Mad About You (1992–2019)
Belly-laugh show
4 July 2006
This show is seriously a belly-laugh show. It may seem pathetic, but once you get hooked on Mad About You, you wake up in the morning looking forward to the half hour you'll spend watching it. The show is perfectly cast, and I mean *perfectly* cast. Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt play off each other wonderfully-- The writing is seriously some of the best ever on TV. I watch the show when it's on at 2:30AM and everyone else in my house is asleep, and I honestly have to bite my lip to keep from laughing so loud that I wake everyone else up. Long story short: if you are looking for a clever, high brow, witty, well written, wonderfully acted, exceptional show you won't find it anywhere else. I just cannot think of enough adjectives to describe just how much I love, love, love this show!
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