Review of Spirtokouto

Spirtokouto (2003)
Some important statements made, but a bit over the top
3 July 2006
I became interested in watching Spirtokouto after reading an interview with Yiannis Economidis. I was intrigued by his views on realism and on how films should, among other things, pull no punches when depicting the painfulness of dysfunctional families. In that respect, Spirtokouto is very much on the mark. However, I found the movie started grating on my nerves after about 30 minutes. As it progressed I felt like switching off my DVD, but I finally decided to give Economidis the benefit of the doubt. The movie does have some positive elements. Erricos Litsis (Dimitris) and Eleni Kokkidou (Maria) give very compelling performances and have all the venom you'd expect to see in a middle-aged couple trapped in their marriage. But, unfortunately, after a certain point the shouting and insults start appearing gratuitous. When the movie ended I heaved a sigh of relief, glad that it was over. Spirtokouto is not a good example of modern Greek cinema, despite the fact that Economids is capable of better things.
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