A Real Showcase For Eddie Murphy
2 July 2006
A general nasty tone to this comedy prevented me from rating this a "9" or a "10," but it does have a ton of laughs, courtesy of Eddie Murphy. He's at is best when he's at the dinner table playing everyone but the kid. That is one of the funniest scenes I remember from any 1990s comedy.

His humor is very crude in here (another PG-13 rating that is ludicrous) but very funny in spots, too. With that kind of humor, it's easy to go over the line of "good taste" which he does on occasion. Overall, however, Murphy is remarkable as all these characters. I believe he plays seven in all. This is probably his biggest 'showcase' ever on film, demonstrating his comedic talents.

Even though this has a childlike-romance-type feel to it, and a nice message about bias against fat people, there are so many raunchy and downright nasty lines - mainly at the comedy club or the dinner table - that it's certainly not recommended for kids. This is a LONG way away from the original Jerry Lewis movie. Still....for adults, this movie provides a lot of laughs.
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