It is all in the mindset
1 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for deep plots which will draw you in and capture your attention for an evening, and potentially leave you thinking after the movie... this (along with everything by these two) is not your flick. I personally enjoy and appreciate it for what it is, along with the others. It is not a work of art or a fantastic story... but instead an ironic view of the world.

Well... as for the movie. It (as I am sure that everyone has read) provides two brothers of noble birth raised for some portion of their lives as peasants and separated in youth by coincidence. The brothers later unite 21 years later in a heartfelt moment (NOT) and assume each other's company for the remainder of the movie. Beyond this point, Chong utilizes his inept belligerence and desire for revolution to lead him and his brother (Cheech) through a series of perils and near misses which (as destiny would have it) leads to the unloading of a very strange guy who wields the queen's power... and thus the renewal of happiness in France in centuries past. As this alone is not enough, each brother (from day one) carries a strange connection which enables them to experience each other's feelings (both emotional and physical) and not their own... a nifty sub-plot which brings about some fun irony throughout the movie.

This is not a movie that you would wish to watch to challenge your mind... but it is wonderful when the rigors of reality tug at you and you wish to escape for a moment. I believe this to be true about all of Cheech and Chong's movies... but this slight bend of taste provides new humor not found in their all too famous stoner movies.

One final note... this (unlike others) is a decent movie to watch with kids, although I am not sure that they will understand or appreciate the humor as would an adult.
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