Babylon 5: The Coming of Shadows (1995)
Season 2, Episode 9
The acting and the special effects are great
29 June 2006
This episode is a real interesting one:It' s about the visit of the Centauri Emperor on B5,who were not able to control events that were done in his name.The Centauri nobles know that he will soon die .... and they want his throne.Londo Mollari,the assigned Centauri ambassador to B5 was asked by Lord Refa,one of the most prestigious nobles of the Centauri Republic to help him to get the Imperial Throne.He reluctantly agreed.He asks the agent of the mysterious Shadows,Mr. Morden to order their mates,the Shadows to help the Centauri fleet to wipe out the Narn colony near the Centauri border.Mr. Morden helps with pleasure.Meanwhile,G' Kar,the assigned ambassador of the Narn Regime was ordered by his government to assassinate the Centauri Emperor,not knowing that he wants to give back the territories to the Narns that were stolen by the Centauri.In the end,the Emperor collapses before the ceremony,and at the end of the episode,he dies.G' Kar was told by Dr. Stephen Franklin about the Emperor' s true intentions,so G' Kar meet with Mollari,and have a drink with him.After the Centauri attack on the Narn colony become known G' Kar feel that he was both betrayed by Mollari and the Emperor.So,despite the the the fact that the Emperor wants peace war will break out between the Centauri and the Narn.The Emperor has to die knowing that his good intentions were failed. The special effects are great,as do the acting:the elegy of the Emperor,the insidious nature of Mr. Morden and Lord Refa,and Andreas Katsulas as G' Kar with changing emotions,and Londo as a being full of fears,lust for power and determination are the things which make this episode a real good one.
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