Nobody's Watching (2006 TV Movie)
This show would be great if it gets picked up
27 June 2006
I've just watched the pilot for this show and i must say it is hilarious!!!! It kind of pokes fun at itself, it's the story of 2 guys who love sitcoms but are annoyed that there are no good ones on the TV anymore so they send a tape to a load of producers and get a call from the WB network saying that they are going to let them make a sitcom for them. So as the audience we are watching a sitcom about a sitcom being made. It's very clever and with scenes like the guys going to the set of FRIENDS and being awe struck, to the first time they have an audience watching them all the comedy is done with excellent timing and style. not having a lot of info on this programme i'm unsure of who the lead males are but they are both very funny. The programme has a scrubs feel to it. I loved the pilot of this show and hope that more people get to see it. When it starts i'll be its biggest fan!!!
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