Review of El Topo

El Topo (1970)
Overrated - Symbolic Does Not Equal Great Film
26 June 2006
I was initially excited about seeing El Topo. Not only had it received excellent critical reviews, but I also found various postings on the Internet praising the film as a masterpiece. Well, I'm here to say that this is a vastly overrated student art film.

The symbolism is overdone and sophomoric at best. In fact, it is as if the director thought symbolism could be substituted for plot and character development, forgetting that these are tools used to enhance them. Also, the overly hackneyed and simplistic symbolism takes away from the surreal experience that the director intended to create. It was akin to viewing the subconscious of a mental midget: weird but boring as all hell!!

I'm not even going to dwindle on the violence. It goes without saying that over time it has lost its shock value. However, it was not necessarily gratuitous--although the symbolism was--and did add to the story.

Overall, if you like freaky stuff for the sake of freakishness, this film is up your alley. But, if you want more substance and meaningful development avoid El Topo at all possible cost. I know I want those two hours of my life back!
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