The Rub (2004– )
Mindless Fluff
24 June 2006
This show is quite bad. The four hosts are nothing more than pretty, dim-witted kids who know nothing of what a good, healthy sexual relationship entails. They are merely eye candy for adolescent viewers and the young dim witted eye candy studio audience that applauds the naive views of the hosts. I have seen two episodes of this show (no idea why I watched it a second time) and what is particularly amusing are that the outfits the four hosts wear are the same each time. The two young girls (they certainly aren't women) wear as little clothing as possible and display as much cleavage as they can muster. (Wonderbra must be one of the show's sponsors. One of the girls wore an ultra tight shirt with had written on the front "that's right, go ahead and stare" Nice. Wouldn't we all love to have our daughters wear that?) The white male wears sleeveless shirts (to appeal to female viewers) and the African-American male wears what only some white middle aged male thinks is the latest in hip-hop fashion. (Which, in other words, means loose jeans and a silly hats that the guy in the Monkees and Huggy Bear made fashionable in the 60s and 70s) This show is nothing more than a masturbation aid for 14 year old boys and perverted middle aged men. Pretty pathetic. Don't waste your time with this.
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