Best Godzilla Movie Ever
22 June 2006
Being the serious die hard Godzilla fan that I am, I was extra excited when I found out about Final Wars. I did not have the opportunity to see it in a theater but searched far and wide at every video store for it, at first my search was useless because folks thought I was making up the title. But finally I located a store which had the film (actually I called first) and rushed immediately to get the film since they said they only had 2 left. Well, I was not disappointed at all, as a matter of fact my son always says "How many times are you going to watch that movie?".

Seeing Godzilla take on all those other monsters was just great. I was a little sad that they made Angurius and King Seesar bad guys, but oh well at least they did not make Mothra out to be a heel (I am also a die hard Mothra fan).

The scene with the Americanized Godzilla was side splitting funny. I actually was expecting to see some kick butt, but Godzilla dispatched his counterpart without breaking a sweat.

The actors and the martial arts scenes were really good. The soundtrack was great as a matter of fact I just finished watching it again a few minutes ago and the music is still in my head. I appreciated Captain Gordon who is a no nonsense type of individual ready to kick butt at the drop of a hat.

I am a bit sorry that another Godzilla film is not in the works for now, but at least I can enjoy Final Wars because it goes to the top of my Godzilla list.
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