Buried Secrets (1996 TV Movie)
I loved this movie
20 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie from the very first time I watched it. I have watched it over an over again, since then, and loved it more and more as time has passed.

It's a storyline that tugs at your heart, because it's a ghost story that plays not 100 years after the ghost's death, but less than a decade, so all the people affected by the tragedy are still alive. That just makes the desire for the truth to come out even more poignant. You just have to feel so horrible for her poor father, who was unknowingly married to his wife's killer for all that time. To know that the woman responsible for your child's death, is the mother of the only child you have left.

Then there's Johnny . . . wow. Probably the real reason I watched the movie so many times. Very sexy. And he did the tough, but grieving ex-boyfriend thing so well.

Best of all, the bad guy, or gal as it would be in this movie, gets it in the end! And the formerly possessed, spirit seeing girl, gets the hot mechanic.

Sure, it's not a blockbuster quality film, but it doesn't change the fact that it was a very cool movie, which I will blissfully enjoy for years to come.
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