Rocko's Modern Life (1993– )
inconsistent but often funny
17 June 2006
I love what Rocko did for TV. Up until the show and subsequent shows by Nickelodeon debuted, many of the common cartoons marketed to kids were practically unwatchable for adults or people with functioning brains. But, Rocko actually had decent writing and tried to appeal to adults as well as kids. It and Ren and Stimpy were the first cartoons in almost three decades that actually tried to be more than just drivel.

As I mentioned above, there were some dull episodes but some that were so gosh darn funny I'll never forget them--especially the episodes involving Ed Bighead! The three that jump out in my mind right away were the Wacky Deli episode (involving Ed's son), Ed's dog, Earl as well as the Magic Meatball episode. They were hilarious and I still laugh out loud when they occasionally come on TV.
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