Puss Bucket (1991)
It's not actually based on the nonexistent hit Broadway musical of the same name....
13 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just feel the need to add on to the comment posted by my good friend, steubnerrhodes... this movie really and truly is the worst movie of all time. I haven't voted for this movie because the lowest you can vote is "1," which is way too high of praise for this film. Made in 1991, the film promises "90 minutes of glorious black and white," and it makes you wish it were only 90 minutes, instead of 105. However, we figure the length on the box refers to the amount of original film, and not its total time, because there were several scenes where the film was the same, but different lines were poorly voiced over (almost none of the sound appears to have been recorded at the same time as the images anyway). Also, as steubnerrhodes mentioned, half of the roof is blown off the cottage in which the brothers lived, which they never noticed. Halfway through the movie, however, WE noticed that they are never shown entering or leaving the cottage, merely endlessly walking in circles around its perimeter. We realized that this was probably an abandoned house which the filmmakers did not have permission to enter, which, for whatever reason, they had chosen to use for CONTINUITY: so that viewers would wonder "Why haven't they noticed their roof is gone?" instead of "Why isn't their roof damaged by the spaceship sitting on it?" This movie contains, among other things, a token Klansman, the worst sex scene of all time, "Diane from Mesopotamia" (this is how she identifies herself on the phone), frightening musical numbers, and some really skanky hookers. If you ever want to never see someone again, just tell them to watch this movie, and act like it's good, and I promise you that they will leave town and never call you again, so scarred will they become. For a little bit, we honestly thought we were watching the movie from "The Ring," and only became convinced otherwise by the fact that we all lived out the week.
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