I Love Lucy: Country Club Dance (1957)
Season 6, Episode 25
2 of my favorite felines in one show...absolutely awesome!
9 June 2006
Here we have two of the planet's pleasing personalities. Both are stone drop dead foxy ladies. Each a comedian in her own way. Lucy with her slap stick comedy that no other female comedian could get away with (except maybe Carol Burnett years later) and Barabara Eden with her beauty and naiveté. Each had their different beauties. Lucy with her tall charm that got her into the Ziegfield Follies and Barabra Eden with her brick outhouse built. The show starts with Ricky and Fred and another husband of Lucy's new friend 'not' wanting to attend a dance because they do not like to wear tuxedo's and do not want to 'have' to dance with their friend's niece that they assume to be very homely ( do not forget what your grade school teacher taught you about the word assume, more about that word assume later). Well, the 3 married couples arrive and the friends with the assumed homely niece are a few minutes late. This prompts the 3 married men to want to leave early. The women that include Lucy, Ethyl and Betty Ramsey demand that they stay as it is way too early to leave. Just at that exact moment their friends arrive with their 'homely' niece. She is the gorgeous and young Barabara Eden. WOW! She is dressed to the hilt, showing every curve to its advantage for the men causing them to gawk and drool or disadvantage for the 3 married females causing them to seethe with envy and turn green with jealously. All of the sudden the men notice Barbara Eden and all 3 stand up and seemingly cannot catch their breath. All 3 run to pull out a chair for her to sit down at the table as she arrives with her chaperons. Again, all of a sudden the 3 married women that wanted to stay all night want to leave at that very moment and give all types of excuses. Well, all 3 men ignore their wives and dance all night with the youthful and vibarant Eden. The next day the 3 women; Lucy, Ethyl and Betsy want that same attention from their husbands that their husbands gave to Eden. So Lucy dresses in a dress so tight she cannot sit down and must put the top down on the car and stand up on the drive to the coming out party for Eden. Ethyl dresses up with her Grace Kelly hair-do. Betsy Ramsey puts on a ton of perfume. Mean while back at the ranch, the 3 men all finally agree to pay attention and dance only with their wives once they arrive at the party. Eden notices this and asks why they will not dance with her. Lucy gets angry and accuses Ricky about being sneaky. Luch convinces the other 2 women too leave against their own wishes; as they were having a terrific time. Once back home the 3 women decide to go back to the party and get their men back. When they arrive their 3 men are the only people left at the party. So the women act jealous and the 3 men are vindicated and everyone are happy. I loved this show.
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