Reminded me of "Spinal Tap"
2 June 2006
I think most here have seen the comedy "This is Spinal Tap" about a group of idiots masquerading as a rock band. This is kind of the same thing except it's a film crew. Steve Buscemi plays Nick, the director of a low-budget movie who's just trying to film a couple scenes but something keeps going wrong with every attempt. He likes to act calm when the confusion reigns but time and again he loses it and starts throwing things and hitting actors or the crew.

Buscemi is the only big name in the film but his co-stars are equally good. James LeGros plays actor Chad Palomino (love that name) who thinks he's god's greatest gift to women and takes his acting much too seriously. Peter Dinklage is a riot as the extremely handsome and arrogant dwarf . And i loved the women who played Wanda, the sexy director's assistant whose job appears to be just yelling at everyone.
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