Some seriously funny stuff here!
2 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was sent to me by a friend who I met through other channels. She told me that when she first saw it, it made her laugh and that it was right up my alley. Well, she was right! I have not laughed so hard in some time!! I almost got sick and had to pause the film to move around a bit before finishing it! This is one of the jewels that creeps out and snaps you up before you can blink... providing you have a wicked sense of humor and aren't in it for Gerry Butler only. Though I have to say... to see the man unhinged and screeching was hilarious in and of itself. Nice work Big Man! So... no spoilers... no input other than if you need a laugh A HUGE GUT WRENCHING laugh, then check this one out.

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