a very rare,hard to find,nostalgic ,light hearted,science fiction comedy/drama from a gone era
28 May 2006
this rare hard to find film should appeal to those science fiction collectors that like a nostalgic typical "greed verses good" message, the cast should be very impressive to veteran fans of 1950"s classic science fiction,check out those names folks!, modern present day corrupt politicians would not approve of this film,the stereotypes are in our newspapers and on television everyday at the present time,****my favorite line from the film is when the orphan boy asks the judge, "what is a birthday card?",**** i sincerely hope someday the distributors will release a quality print of this almost forgotten film, but my gut feeling is that will not happen due to current marketing practices. in my humble opinion,this is an interesting study of a 1954 moralistic science fiction comedy/drama very similar to some episodes of the latter excellent twilight zone television series.
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