Donlevy Was An Underrated Actor
28 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, Brian Donlevy ("Dan McGinty") provides pretty good entertainment. He isn't one of the more famous actors of the classic era but he did his share of good films and good performances. This certainly ranks among his best. And he mixed well with Akim Tamiroff in here, both verbally and physically. And.....Preston Sturges wrote and directed the film. All of that makes it a surprise there are so reviews of this film on this website.

The story of McGinty and his wife "Catherine" (Murel Angelus) also turns out to be nice with a unique twist to the relationship. It starts off as a business-type of deal, then turns romantic but ends sadly. However, the film doesn't end on a sad note.

To be fair, however, I have to admit I liked this far more on the first viewing. When I looked it at 6 years later after watching thousands of other classic films, this just didn't come across as strong. The first thirty 30 minutes was good with some snappy dialog but then it bogged down with that marriage-for-convenience angle and the politics got really sappy. So beware: you might really enjoy this, or you might find it really stupid. It could go either way, but if you are classic movie fan, you should consider checking this film out.
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