Sugar Hill (1993)
Average Gangster film, that's overlong and mediocre, with a rather dull story, the performances were very good though
27 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an average gangster film, that's overlong and mediocre, with a rather dull story, the performances were very good though. All the characters are interesting, but not much else, and the story just wasn't able to keep me interested for it's over length in 120 minutes,however Wesley Snipes is simply amazing in this, he is the reason that made it bearable for me. I taped this on the Action movie channel, and I must say I was very disappointed after that extremely powerful and disturbing opening, it all goes downhill from there, plus the ending just didn't cut it for me as it was much too silly for my liking. It had a lot of potential however it just didn't reach it and Wesley has done a much better film like this (New Jack City), plus I didn't really care for any of the characters even if they were somewhat interesting. I would only recommend this to Wesley Snipes fans even then as I said rent New Jack City ,and it's decently made but terribly written, plus it's too depressing. This is an average gangster film, that's overlong and mediocre, with a rather dull story, the performances were very good though, worth a watch I suppose but not much more, you can do better. The Direction is OK. Leon Ichaso does an OK job here with decent camera work, good angles however the pace is terribly inconsistent. The Acting is actually very good and that's what it made it bearable even if I didn't like the characters. Wesley Snipes is amazing as always and is amazing here, he is the likable one out of the bunch as you will feel for him to try and lead a non drug related life, I really liked him!. Clarence Williams III is very good as the drug addicted father, I felt sorry for him. Theresa Randle is decent as the love interest and did what she had to do adequately. Michael Wright is very good as the brother, but I didn't care for his character at all. Rest of the cast are fine. Overall worth a watch I suppose but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it. ** out of 5
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