A Passion Play - The Destruction of Innocence
26 May 2006
This movie is powerful and heart rending. I first saw this movie before I became a psychiatrist, and it remains one of my favorites. When I was in training, I showed it at our "Friday Night Movies with the Residents". It evoked disparate comments about the psychiatrist and the main character. It made everyone think and rethink their interpretations. It reminds me of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' One Hundred Years of Solitude because it has so many elements of Catholicism melded with South American mysticism. There are several stills that are imprinted on my brain. I have two tapes of it, one dubbed and one the original with English subtitles. I rarely watch the one with subtitles because I do not want to wear it out. I hope it is released in DVD soon because it should be shown to everyone who is training to be a mental health professional. It teaches one not to be too sure of their ideas. And not to be too certain they have analysed things correctly, or maybe, that analysing is not the compassionate way to treat patients, or people.
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