The Deli (1997)
Funny Movie
26 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's a very funny movie. The characters are a little over the top, but that's what makes it funny. It's entertaining to watch and although the moral of the story gets lost in the plot, it's a comedy!! This movie does not take itself seriously. It pokes fun at a lot of the mob movie stereotypes as well as taking the "cameo for a quick laugh" to a ridiculous level. Italian-Americans will probably relate to the way the characters interact. I read a review on a site in which the writer stated that "50 of the 90 minutes is people yelling at each other." This is not true. It couldn't be more than 45 minutes of yelling. This isn't "The Goonies" where talentless kid actors yell at the top of their lungs. This movie is more along the lines of how people living in an actual Italian neighborhood in New York might sound.
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