The Jake Effect (2003–2006)
I wish "The Jake Effect" was on air!
26 May 2006
I love this show! I just barely saw two episodes on Bravo's "Brilliant but Cancelled" and was totally hooked. Jake Galvin is a great character. Played by Jason Bateman, he sort of makes you rethink the age-old statement "chivalry is dead." On one episode I saw, Jake got himself out of a tricky situation involving a mother at the school where he teaches. He took the approach of a truly honest and decent guy. Did I mention he's is kinda cute? The show was narrated by Nick Case, Jake's lawyer best friend. He had a dry sense of humor that made me crack up occasionally, which is a great compliment, considering I almost never even crack a giggle at t.v. shows.

Also on the show was Liza, a pretty teacher, who, the instant I saw, made me think, "Ooh! She should date Jake! They're perfect for each other!" Then I realized the terrible fact that the show wasn't going to air again. Why? It was great! "The Jake Effect" was funny, catchy, and had great characters! Please, NBC, give Jake, Nick, and Liza a chance!
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