Boom Town (1940)
this movie could have been so much better
24 May 2006
Okay, it's true that if you have a movie starring Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy it can't be bad. That's just a fact (trust me). However, despite their star power, this movie could have been so much better. The plot after a while becomes VERY tiresome and the relationship between the guys makes no sense (unless you read and agree with my final comment below).

Gable and Tracy love each other and yet spend the entire fighting and making up again and again. The initial excuse is over a woman, but it soon is apparent that this isn't the real reason, as Gable not only takes Tracy's girl but then takes a hot tamale as his mistress.

However, despite the silliness of this plot, the absolute WORST moment of the film is the courtroom scene near the very end. No court in the world would allow the hysterics of either the prosecuting lawyer (straight from the Spanish Inquisition, but perhaps a little MORE vociferous in his prosecution) or Tracy to stand up and make a long schmaltzy speech despite neither lawyer asking him to say anything of the sort or make a speech.

So, why still a 6? Well, the movie is generally fun (except towards the end when it just seems to go on too long) and the charismatic actors are fun to watch.

A final note. My wife STRONGLY disagrees, but I thought there was perhaps an unintended or intended homo-erotic quality to the relationship between Gable and Tracy's characters in the film. Their love-hate relationship was odd and Gable's inability to maintain any intimacy with his wife or mistress combined with Tracy's apparent asexuality is very peculiar indeed. The ONLY sparks of love or passion occur between Gable and Tracy!
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