Doctor Doctor (1989–1991)
Surpassingly Surprising Wit
21 May 2006
If you wanna know how to make the day's journey a little lighter, yet no less serious, then tune in to an episode of Dr./Dr. The problem rests where most problems lie, the show was abandoned by its parent before the children could save this plateau for honest living. What I mean is, this production and the specific actors in it had true chemistry. They bounced like phenomenal electrons off each other, off the reoccurring themes of human emotion, and finally off syndication. Why..? They were just that good. But "good" is a relative, right? So, you'll just have to check an episode out...someday...if that day becomes available. And decide if those factors of comic genius, innocuously inoculative, are subtly striving in your veins to find a wiser person. And, of course, they will. All you really need...
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