Father Knows Best (1954–1960)
I have fond memories of this show and what the American family use to be.
19 May 2006
I remember watching this T.V.show as a kid after school in the 70's. Unlike many people who say this show was fake and there was no such families with wonderful parents like the Andersons.I am here to tell you yes there were.I had and still have parents like the Anderson's !!! I came across an old VHS tape I recored in the early 90's with several episode's and watched it a few weeks ago.What a delightful walk down memory lane of my childhood and the America of old that has long since vanished with the onslaught of vile debased bilged that is TV today.What else would one expect with the break down of the American family. So called Parents of the MTV generation. Oops I meant the second generation of MTV when it was sold to the anti American family perverts.Whos main goal was to destroy and mock the American family!With an onslaught of disgusting anti social behavior and the 50 word vocabulary of MTV.Not to mention the perverted sexualizing of underage boys and girls.Any so called parents that lets their children watch this crap should be arrested for child abuse or at least charged with risk of injury to a minor.But then again what else would one expect from parents that act as stupid as their kids!Mothers with trampstamps and fathers with pants hanging down their asses caps on sideways looking like complete morons!BTW...In case you didn't know... trampstamp refers to a girl with a hideous tattoo above here butt and across here lower back Ewwwww hence the term TRAMPSTAMP !If we had an FCC or if I was in charge no one under 18 would be allowed to watch this filth!Along with all the other anti-social anti-family trash.
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