The Gin Game (2003 TV Movie)
The Gin Game
19 May 2006
When I saw this on the shelf at Hastings I thought,oh a movie version of the play huh.I enjoyed the play a lot more but the movie was pretty good. But I still hold the play in high regard. I saw the play way back in I can't remember while vacationing in the beautiful city of Boston,Mass. I don't exactly remember who was i it but I left the play house thinking that was a great play and was acted extremely well. This is coming from a guy who enjoyed Dracula the Ballet. I recommend seeing the play first then the movie but that's just me. I know that some people probably won't get a chance to see the play but all in all the movie is pretty close to the play itself. If I ever had a chance to see this play again I would drop whatever I was doing and see it. As I have said before and if you can see the play first then the movie. I hope that you won't be disappointed.
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