Rollover (1981)
Don't bother
15 May 2006
This is the only movie I've ever walked out on; I even held out through Caligula! Boring, made no sense to me at the time and I could see no hope of redemption, so I left and waited in the lobby with a magazine for my date to finish watching the film. He understood it and enjoyed, but I was lost from the opening credits. Perhaps the fact that he's in business & understands computers and accounting principles helped his level of enjoyment. I felt akin to a foreign-language speaking person thrown into the middle of some major conference where I was not only expected, but required, to understand and follow what was being said.

As previously stated, I'm an eternal optimist when it comes to movies; I fervently believe that they HAVE to get better. I knew this one was a lost cause early on. "Rollover" rolled over and played dead for this viewer. I wish I could have whacked it with a rolled up newspaper.
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