completely under-rated
14 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i want to write this because it seems only people with a.d.h.d seem to be watching it and commenting on it here. not to mention one guy who seems to think horror movies couldn't be made in Canada (hmm...ever hear of black Christmas?). anyway, i blame these misplaced comments on the completely misleading video cover. if you think this is a brain-less slasher, do not watch it! it's not.

there's a depth and scale to the story and acting that is not completely obvious to anyone expecting a simple slasher. there are underlying themes in this movie that have more in common with a Shakespearean tragedy than a slumber party massacre. sure it's slow - but this movie wasn't made for the a.d.h.d generation. it's a slow-burn sort of movie. the characters are developed with nuisance, past tensions and feuds erupt, secret lusts slowly bubble to the top. and on top of that! - creepy clowns throughout! does the story make complete sense? no. (and perhaps, i just ended up with a shoddy incomplete copy. after all, there hasn't been an official DVD release of this feature - a shame, considering it's one of john candy's first dramatic roles.) but the few times when i did think, "wtf", it still didn't leave me feeling the film was any less entertaining.

it has a nightmarish, surreal quality. it is a tragedy that asks a little more from its audience. it is completely under-rated and well worth watching for anyone with an open mind, respect for character development, and a little patience.
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