For what it is, it's great!
9 May 2006
I've read the comments of people who rated this movie 0 out of ten and who obviously have a hidden agenda. I've also read the comments of those who gave it a ten. They have an agenda as well. Now I'm going to tell you the truth.

I purchased this movie after seeing An American Haunting because I was interested in learning more. In many ways, this movie is better than American Haunting because it gives much more detail.

If you buy this movie and expect it to be something like a big budget Hollywood film with seasoned actors who earn 5 million per performance, forget it. That's not what it is. This movie is a low budget film by an independent film maker using people that I suspect have acted in local theater and in plays, but have not made movies. In fact, the scenes in which there is dialog smacks of a stage presentation. As any film actor will tell you....if you want to be great in films forget everything you did on the stage. It isn't the same thing.

This film is, so far as I have been able to determine, historically accurate. It is, therefore, educational and very entertaining. True, you can't compare it to American Haunting but then it is not claimed to be comparable to a big budget film with name actors. For what it is, it's darned good. The actors gave honest effort and I can't fault their performances. The writing and directing was likewise honest.

You'll probably never see this film at your local theater, so buy a copy of it. You won't be sorry.
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