For those of you wondering what the bit players do.....
7 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even explain how angry I was while watching this movie. I had been drinking which probably made it more tolerable. The ending seems to take 20 minutes. I even fell asleep at the very end and time still could not pass fast enough. 84 minutes is normally tolerable for a comedy but not this one. Death by fart and having a penis were not as entertaining as one might think (imagine that). Thank goodness someone got iced believably by the end. I have a hard time imagining that everyone could hear Wee-man speaking over a loudspeaker....yet all the characters sent to slaughter were in on the plan to convince the lead character she was crazy and killing all the models........odd. While looking at the box at the video store, I thought it could be good. After realizing that the bit players from Shallow Hal, Girl Next Door, Bio-Dome, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High couldn't even carry the weight of supporting roles on their shoulders, I apologize to my friend that I made sit through this movie.
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