Blue Collar TV (2004–2006)
Response to gluba2000
3 May 2006
I totally disagree with gluba2000, but then again I would expect those kinds of comments from someone who doesn't know anything about the south. The stereotype that only dumb hillbillies are able to laugh at this show shows just how narrow minded and ignorant you really are. I understand how you could conclude that all people from the south are stupid, but if you have never visited the south, then you should keep your ignorance about southern people, and rednecks to yourself. I am from the south and I know every southern stereotype that there is, but this show makes fun of all of them. That is the point after all, Jeff, Larry, and Bill are making fun of all of those stereotypes. I am sure that if the roles were reversed and I had made the comments that you did, about people from the north, then you would be just as offended as I am!
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