Stick It (2006)
The following is a list of people that shouldn't direct.
30 April 2006
1) Jessica Bendinger.

Honestly, I was really disappointed in this. The trailers made it look like it had something new to say, like there would be a new spin or that at least the dialogue would be clever and the gymnastic sequences really hoppin. But alas, the trailer is a trillion times better than the film. What you see is cliché after cliché, horrid directing on the action and the actors. It stands out when you see Wei Wei's (the wacky Asian character that's totally gonna show the world that she's more than just a 'cardboard one dimensional we gotta please the studio by putting in an Asian' character) reactions.

Every line, every joke every reaction felt forced unless it was coming from a) Vanessa Lengies or b) Jeff Bridges, because clearly they're the only two that are or are going to be A list actors and were way too good to be in this flick.

Missy Peregrym is incredible looking, but can't hold the film and really... a bad ass? Come on. Oh, wait, OK, I didn't see her do the devil horns with her hands 60 times, I totally buy it now. Nevermind. My bad.

Speaking of bad writing. I didn't know how old Bendinger was so I tried not to judge, but while watching it, it felt like it was written by a 40yr old white woman who thinks that this is how teenagers talk. Oh and really, what was with the farting in the car? I'm all for a good fart joke when they're funny, but these were out of place and served no purpose to developing (ha) the characters.

OK OK, I'll stop now. So in conclusion, don't waste your money. You may be saying to yourself 'dude, you're not the target audience' This is true, but I dig chick flicks and teen comedies and dance movies. I watched 'Take the Lead' last week and loved it. It was everything this movie wanted to be, the scenes were tight and the dancing was hot. So go see that movie if you like this shite. Thankfully I watched 'Hard Candy' right before I saw this, so my night wasn't a total waste. I'm sure you're happy for me.
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