Beyond low brow comedy runs out of steam after 15 minutes and is only sporadically worth seeing after that
29 April 2006
Hamlet its not.

Funny it is, in the lowest of the low sort of way. Its fart jokes (and worse) galore and if you hate them stay away.

The plot has Larry getting a new partner and being assigned the ritzy restaurant beat by the mayor. Of course its a set up and of course in the end Larry comes riding to the rescue.

The problem is that after about 15 or 20 minutes the laughs stop as the plot really kicks in. There are jokes after 15 minutes just not that many good ones, even of the fart related variety. Actually by the half hour mark the movie becomes rather dull in a been there done that, why aren't there more jokes sort of way. While I don't think that the movie is the worst ever made, it is a disappointment simply because it runs out of steam so early on.

Not worth paying for at any time, it is worth seeing when it finally makes it to cable where you can see the funny bits endlessly with out having to waste your money.

3 out of 10
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