Welcome Back Mr. Coverdale
28 April 2006
Whitesnake fans have been begging for a new DVD from this timeless group of musicians and front man David Coverdale, and as promised, this DVD delivered! I would highly recommend watching the documentary and musician interviews as a preview of the energy that is to come. The energy that comes across on the opening selection, "Burn" sets the stage for the entire experience, which is what this DVD is-- an "experience." The set list of Mr. Coverale's favorites, gives an intimate look at the relationship he maintains with his life-long, loyal fans, as well as crowd shots of a new generation of young people obviously smitten and drawn in to this amazing singer, whose vocal range has been amazingly well-preserved throughout time. Despite the reported final copies that were reportedly faulty in final mixing and color switching back and forth between color and B&W, it does not interfere with the total concert experience, which is what Mr. Coverdale has stated publicly was his own personal objective for the project. His desire for the DVD was to take 100's of hours of footage and capture the performance of an intimate live evening with Whitesnake. Tommy Aldridge is simply, to me, the absolute best drummer in hard rock. His drum solo had him beating out 20 minute drum solos with his bare hands, as DC leaves the stage for his mandatory "neck massages." The numerous positive feedback, as well as high overseas rankings put this DVD as a contender in comparison to any rock band out there. I would highly recommend it to any die-hard rock enthusiast!
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