Phenomenon (1996)
Excellent film, that's actually quite moving and very sentimental, with a pretty engrossing story, John Travolta is at his best here!
28 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent film, that's actually quite moving and very sentimental, with a pretty engrossing story, John Travolta is at his best here!. All the characters are awesome, and the ending while very sad was extremely well done, plus John Travolta is simply incredible in this!. I know a lot of people claimed that this was too sentimental, but I love sentimental so it didn't bother me, and this is one of Travolta's best performances in my opinion, plus it's extremely well made and very well written as well. Kyra Sedgwick is really excellent in her role here, and I thought it had a nice romantic story too, plus I loved all of the telekinetic scenes that Travolta did as well. I loved how they paid tribute at the end to George Malley, and I felt bad for Travolta's character when he was trying to explain stuff at the book fare, plus Travolta and Sedgwick had really good chemistry together. This should be a lot higher then 6.3 in my opinion, and I didn't see the big twist in this coming at all, plus I especially loved Forest Whitaker's character. This is an excellent film, that's actually quite moving and very sentimental, with a pretty engrossing story, John Travolta is at his best here, and I say it's a must see for everyone!. The Direction is excellent!. Jon Turteltaub does an excellent! job here with wonderful camera work, using a great setting, and just keeping the film at an engrossing pace. The Acting is outstanding!. John Travolta is amazing as always and is incredible here, he is just extremely likable, gives one of his best performances, had a character we can care for, had really good chemistry with Kyra Segwick, brought his usual awesome charisma, and was especially good near the end, as I felt so bad for him. Kyra Sedgwick is really excellent here, she was cute, extremely likable, had a winning presence, and I just couldn't help but love her, unlike others I thought she was perfect for this part!. Forest Whitaker is awesome as George's best friend he had good chemistry with Travolta, was funny and brought lots of life into the film, I loved him. Robert Duvall is wonderful as always and does awesome as The Doc, he didn't have a whole lot of screen time, but was fantastic when he was on screen!. David Gallagher and Ashley Buccille are both awesome as the kids, and were very likable. Rest of the cast are fine. Overall a must see for everyone!. ****1/2 out of 5
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